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How To Decrease And Prevent Bloating


Do you know what is bloating? Bloating is a condition related to abdominal distension. In this condition the abdomen feels swollen, full, and tight. It may be due to some internal problems, like gastrointestinal disorder or it may not be related to any underlying health issues. It can happen in all people and at any age.

What are the symptoms of bloating?

The abdomen gets distended and there is a feeling of fullness. Sometimes there may be pains or cramps in the stomach region. There may be hiccups or burping which helps to release gas that has accumulated in the digestive tract.

Some common causes of bloating:

Some of the common causes are as follows:

  • Bloating due to overeating.

  • Gastric disorder.

  • Intolerance to many types of food

  • Allergic reactions to food.

  • Constipation or irritable bowel syndrome.

  • Formation of cysts and cancers

  • Due to certain medications.

How to get immediate relief from bloating:

  • By burping the gas can be removed from the bloated stomach .In this way you can decrease bloating and the pain that comes with it. Burping can temporarily help to give relief from any other abdomen discomfort too.

  • Farting also helps in relieving the gas and thus decrease bloating that has accumulated in the stomach through the anus.

Treating bloating:

There are many medications that we can get at the chemist that can give you some relief. Antacids are the most commonly used drugs that can treat bloating. There are also certain foods which contain enzymes that can be taken before meals to prevent the formation of gas.

But you should also bring about some changes in your lifestyle to decrease bloating, like taking a walk after meals, exercising controlling the urge of smoking and intake of fizzy drinks.

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